10 Pieces of Advice for Incoming High School Freshman
"Those are the best years of your life!" is typically how people describe high school, and I can agree high school was a wonderful time in my life. I want to focus on the beginning of the high school experience, the notorious freshman year. If you think back, I'm sure you can recall the feelings you had about the transition from middle school to high school. I can remember feeling so nervous because of the unknown. How would I find all my classes in such a big building? How would the older students treat me? Would my teachers be nice? However, I was also excited to get to finally experience all of the fun "high school" things like Friday night football/basketball games in the student section, getting to have more control of my schedule, and the freedom. Of course, I quickly found out that with that freedom came more responsibly and accountability, but it was so worth it! I have taught high school Biology to freshman and sophomores, so I have seen their...